We recognise parents as the primary educators and caregivers of their children. Our teachers encourage parents to spend time in the centre to maintain positive relationships and open communicating channels to ensure that children's needs are met. We aim to work in partnership with our care. These partnerships are characterised by warmth, respect, and positive, friendly interactions. Our centre has an 'open-door policy' and parents are welcome to call us at any time or visit their child during the day. If visits during the day cause your child to become distressed when you leave, the educator or director will speak to you and advise you other methods of checking on your child and being involved; Parents are asked to give feedback or ideas for our programs are welcomed. Please feel free to speak to your child's educator about the program of experiences planned for your child and any suggestions will be incorporated into the program.
Throughout the year we have various events that we would love our families to be a big part of these events will be advertised throughout our newsletter which you will find attached here in our parent pages. We feel that our parents have such a hugely important role in their own child's education. It is fundamental for you to be an active participant in the runnings of the service. For you to have an opportunity to help guide your child's education. We have many different ways for you to be an active participant throughout our service to ensure that your family's needs are heard and met.
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